PVC Chain Link Fence
Galvanized chain link fence is made from premium quality steel wire interlocked weaving. The hot-dipped galvanizing process ensures a fully protective zinc coating on all surfaces of the chain link fabric, even the cut ends. There are two ways for chain link fabric galvanization: Galvanized After Weaving (GAW) and Galvanized Before Weaving (GBW). GAW is more popular as it ensures that all the wires of the fabric are coated, including the cut ends, and GBW eliminates burrs and sharp surfaces and increases the tensile strength of the fence.
The weight of Zinc-coated on galvanized chain link fence fabric conforms to ASTM A392 standard, and the high zinc content meets the application standards in coastal humid areas.
Galvanized chain link fence comes in a range of heights that make it suitable for a variety of applications. The shorter heights are commonly used in residential settings to reduce view obstructions. Taller fences are most often selected for commercial use because of the increased level of security that more height can offer.
Galvanized chain link fence can be found everywhere from garden decoration to industrial facilities requiring high security fencing level. It is widely used in the security protection of private houses, gardens, swimming pools, backyards, indoor partitions, tennis courts, boundary and other places.